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Notable Achievements

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Notable Achievements

Started modern medical treatment as the first Western-style hospital in Gwangju, 1905.

Started missions to people with leprosy, 1909.

Began dental treatment, 1923.

Established a tuberculosis specialty treatment center, 1930.

Established a nursing school, 1932.

Pioneered cytogenetic research in Korea, 1974.

Firsts in the Honam area
-Blood Exchange Transfusion(1968)
- Total Hip Arthroplasty(1974)
- Laparoscopic Operation(1975)
- Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography(1973)
- HoLEP Surgery(2011)
- Single-Port Thoracoscopic Surgery(2013)

Established the Health Care Center, 1991.

Opened a Hospice Ward, 2003.

Opened a Children Rehabilitation Center, 2006.

Acquired certification as a medical institute from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, 2013, 2016, and 2020.